ORA-06431 ORA-06431 : Ssaio: Invalid Block number Cause : The file block number is out of range of the file. The additional informat...
ORA-00997 ORA-00997 : TNS:no listener Cause : A value of datatype LONG was used in a function or in a DISTINCT, WHERE, CONNECT BY, G...
ORA-06421 ORA-06421 : NETCMN: Error detected in the read-in data Cause : Error found during recomputation of checksum or CRC. Acti...
ORA-06407 ORA-06407 : NETCMN: unable to set up break handling environment Cause : Error occurred while attempting to set up asynchro...
ORA-06406 ORA-06406 : NETCMN: error sending break message Cause : Error occurred while attempting to send a break message. Action ...
ORA-06405 ORA-06405 : NETCMN: reset protocol error Cause : Unable to reset out of break state. Action : Contact your customer sup...
ORA-06404 ORA-06404 : NETCMN: invalid login (connect) string Cause : Syntax error in login string. Action : Correct string and re...
ORA-02063 ORA-02063 : preceding stringstring from stringstring Cause : an Oracle error was received from a remote database link. A...
ORA-12154 ORA-12154 : TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified Cause : A connection to a database or other service was...